5/11/2018 0 Comments Whats the story morning gloryWe are not our storyWe are living in hugely turbulent and changing times. Never has our narrative been more important. Whats happening in the US is a clear indication of that. When I learned the Sedona Method many moons ago, I first fully realised about our stories. One of the main things about Letting go is releasing any old stories that no longer serve you and to rewrite your future, and it turns out rewire your brain. I will be teaching the Sedona Method at this years gathering on the Friday, prepare for bliss. For years I have been big into female rights and working with women in times when our changing roles, often single parenthood, juggling a millions balls can have a massive impact on our health and happiness. One of our problems can be the massive disappointment we feel and betrayal when life just does not turn out the way we thought and hoped it would. We are faced with a huge workload but also an opportunity to prove to ourcellves how incredibly strong we are. How we can somehow claw back like that flower coming through concrete. Huge suffering can crack us open to higher perspectives if we allow it, and I have spent years looking at ways for us to get the balance, peace and stability we all crave. The marriage story is getting seriously challenged. The personal story of who we are as women, parents, daughters and so on, what are our responsibilities and how do we fit into them. The story of women in our culture, what we are supposed to do, look like, feel and thiak. The story of what we should do in work play and relationships. The story of how we see ourcellves in the World and how we allows ourcellves to be treated by men, other women and our families. The story of how children should be brought up including the education story, the discipline story, the what constitutes a good child story. I am observing the story of the women here, and realise how lucky we are in the West, we still have ways to go, but we have financial, educational, emotional and behavioural options, unlike a lot of our sisters here whose lives are still in the hands of men. Their story needs updated. And then there is the Planets story. That is the story that has been turned on its head for me this trip and what has really made me think about what we believe and the impact that has on our health and happiness, how we treat each others and how we treat our PachaMama, Mother Earth. Discussions I have been having here with other travellers, very young ones too, agree. If we had been told that our Planet is a live sentient being, providing us with an opportunity to experience 3d life here, would we treat her differently? Does it even matter if it is true? This is one of the debates we have been having, does it matter if the story is true as long as it empowers us and gives us hope and faith? If it means we behave in a way that supports every sentient being on the Mother Earth? If we had that reverence for the miracle of life, would we treat each other differently? Would we be more mindful of how we live on this Planet, about consumerism, our nutrition, our relationships, our faith? The story that came from newtonian physics which we now clearly know is false, has done us a huge disfavour. Taken the Magic and Mystery away from this incredible experience we could all be having here, instead of living like robots, wondering what the hell it is all about. Believing like Trumpet that healthy beings can live on a Planet that has been poisoned, polluted and raped. If you want to learn about the Kogi tribe in Colombia and their story, you can watch this Documentary below. I had the honour of meeting a man who spent 7 years with this tribe and their story is very different from ours, and they have powers we are only beginning to understand we have. What is the use in being Supernatural if you dont know it. A bit like Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I have great news guys! As someone who teaches people to let go of limiting beliefs, beliefs that no longer serve, to change the story, I think we need to address the stories we mindlessly accepted as true. Religion is a classic case of this, we need to stop taking others words for it, move with the times in this magnificent, energetic Universe. Are we multi dimensional beings in a multi dimensional Universe? At the Gathering this year, the Friday is dedicated to raising our vibration, lifting our spirits, moving our energy to become lighter and freer. The entire weekend will inspire and help you to realise what we can overcome and how we can collaborate and create the Planet we want for ourcellves and future generations. The early bird for 4 days is £99 and for a day it is £69. See the links here www.goddessgatheringportavadie.com/ We are experiencing a massive shift in consciousness. Lets join forces and bring the Love Revolution to Portavadie once again. Lets change the story.
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